Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses

Volunteering & Anyone Interested in Volunteering for Statewide Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics

Posted over 3 years ago by Jean Aertker

FL COVID-19 Nurse Volunteer Program Banner copy

Thanks to all for the overwhelming response and the vast number of volunteers, the state has partnered with Merit (a neat phone APP to download)  to manage and organize volunteers. It is with great pleasure that FANA unifies the volunteer nurse operations with FDEM for Merit as they take operational control and coordinate with local emergency management directors. The FANA team will no longer be staffing the sites as that will now fall to the individual county, but will of course continue to coordinate with FDEM. We remain ready and excited to partner with FDEM and Merit in these important efforts.

Below you will find important links, one for those previously registered, so that you can select additional volunteer dates in the coming months and a second link for those who have not yet registered for these efforts. Merit will also be issuing you a Certified Nurse Merit which will include a welcome to your account and help you track each and every priceless hour served. All volunteer opportunities will be seen by the county you select, and the county will contact you directly! Keep an eye out for operational processes that will reduce paperwork, and get you on the scene ASAP, and ready to serve! All questions should be directed toward your local county emergency managers.

Previously registered volunteers can sign up for new shifts for the end of January, February and March here:

All new volunteers can sign up here:

Merit has created these resources to help your registered volunteers get started tracking their hours with Merit’s virtual check-in kiosks:

Be sure to continue to share your photos with us (like those below) by emailing them to sdebee@fana.org, include captions/names of your fellow volunteers, so we can share these photos with our communities. Also, please share your experiences by following this link and help continue to add to our story, illustrating how the nursing community continues to show up! Thanks 
